TiGeR & 2DPolygon - Blazing Soul is pretty much ready for submission, so be sure to check for it soon! It's gonna rock your socks ;)
And also, I have 2 songs on my own that are pretty much finished: 1 ambient DnB and another more videogamish DnB. The ambient one is probably going to be submitted tonight, but about the videogamish one I'm not entirely sure. I can't seem to get it mastered decently... t.t. Basically it's that the cymbals and hi-hats steal too much high frequencies from the rest of the drums and such. Right now I'm thinking of having a specific channel for hi-hats and cymbals rather then all drums in the same channel. Hopefully that might improve the sound a bit. But we'll see :S
Anyone reading this who knows stuff about mixing and mastering songs, I'd love some tips and pointers!
I'll be on the listen.
Thanks :)